LET'S FLOW TOGETHER Meditate and move Our bodies, our energies, our thoughts
When we are in Flow (sometimes called "being in the zone"), we are not stuck in rigidity, and we in essence feel as One with everything. There is no attachment to going this way or that way; there is a Trust and a Knowing...... a Trust IN that Knowing. This is our inner compass, our inner voice. Make no mistake-- this is NOT a giving up to allow the world and others around you to move you at their whim. What it is is a letting goof the limitations we set-up for ourselves by false narratives and mistaken beliefs and learning to trust that every step, every mistake, every bit of pain and struggle, every revelation, and at the same time every bit of joy is guiding us to overcome those illusions. The meditations and movements found on this page can help you live the life you were born to love by bringing you the experience of Flow, Trust, Knowing, Balancing and Connection. And we can all use alot more of these. With the Earth, with our people and all living things, and most importantly, with our Self. These yogic practices can be done by anyone.
Start with the Introductory video where I'll explain some of the key elements of practice in kundalini yoga.
Then move to the Practices. With each new video (monthly), I'll walk you through the movement and/or meditation with explanation.
I'll also include an audio file so you can jump right into the movement or meditation without full instruction in subsequent days, should you choose to commit to a 40-day practice*.
Introduction: start here :)
INTRODUCTION: I talk a bit about kundalini yoga here and here.
Welcome & Tuning-In Posture & Props: Easy Pose, Lotus Pose, Rock Pose, with cushions, bolsters, blankets, chair (with feet flat on floor) Yogic Breathing: default nostril breathing, deep inhale into abdomen then chest, exhale completely dropping chest then navel towards spine; sit tall (garden hose) Breath of Fire Eye Focus (Drishti): default 3rd eye, crown center, tip of nose, through chin Mudra: each finger- tip or pressing on nail, bear grip, lotus, venus lock, yoga mudra (behind back with strap option) Mantra: about mantra and some bij (seed) mantras (Sat Nam, Wahe Guru, Har, Har Haray Haree, Ong)
Practice: Kriyas, Meditations, and Oils
NAMES OF MONTH FOR ME AS A GUIDE--- CALL IT BY ITS THEME: September: Kriya for Self-Reliance; Meditation for Caliber of Authority; EO Steady (grounding blend) October: Surya Kriya; MEDITATION ? ; EO Helichrysum (the oil for Pain/healing deep wounds) November: Kriya for Tolerance OR 5th Chakra Kriya; MEDITATION ? ; EO Frankincense (the oil of Truth)---- theme of Abundance & Gratitude December: Pituitary Gland Series; Candle-Gazing Meditation with Kids; Meditation for a Calm Heart; EO Clove (oil of Boundaries) & Wild Orange (oil of Abundance /gratitude & generosity)