Life-Yoga Coaching
Premise: You are enough exactly as you are. Your experiences evolve you so that you may shift and adjust in small-to-large ways allowing for growth, Aha! moments, perspective changes, inspiration/motivation, and intuitive action to be the change you wish to see. Be clear: "You are enough, just as you are (right now)" is NOT out-of-alignment with actively seeking perspectives and practices to change your experience of life for the better.
How life-yoga coaching works.
Classes + Coaching Plans
Everyone could use a coach in life to help you see yourself
with awareness, alignment, and advocacy.
You were meant to shine-- go live it!
with awareness, alignment, and advocacy.
You were meant to shine-- go live it!
Mindful Movement+Meditation
Committed to
Numerology: 2025, the year of '9' WebinarMonday, January 27 at Noon CT
60 min on Zoom $17 Register here. What does this year 2025 hold for you? How do the numbers interpret the energy of the year, and what could that mean for you? Gain some insight into the backdrop of this year's numerological vibration and how that could connect with your personal numerological outlook. Learn how the numbers can show you where to focus your energy and how to understand your own tendencies. |
Jazz Up Your Journaling WorkshopMonday, February 17 at Noon CT
60 min on Zoom $17 Bring your own journal+pen. Register here. Journaling is an essential tool for self-reflection. It allows you to get out of your head and onto paper all the thoughts and ideas and downloads that come your way. You may discover at times that you get tired of journaling or it's not serving you the way it's been going. Join in this session to learn and practice journaling in a variety of ways. It'll be fun and hopefully will give you some extra tools to keep your journaling efforts alive and lively and, most importantly, ongoing. |
Your Soul's Goals WorkshopFriday, February 28 at Noon CT
75 min on Zoom $30 Bring your own journal+pen. Register here How do you set your goals? How do you know that they are aligned with what's most important to you and why is that so essential? This is like a pre-requisite for setting your actionable goals each year, season, month, etc. In this session, I invite you to check-in deeply with your true north-- your's soul's voice --and check these Truths against whatever goals you've already set or to support those goals you are intending on. This is a great time to do this work before Spring Equinox when the energy of seeding/planting, planning and nourishing is upon us. |
Feeling indecisive?
I know from experience the constant inner battle, the ongoing committee your own head.
It is exactly what is exhausting you.
Want to feel clear on your life purpose?
Tired of prioritizing your supporting role of other people's dreams?
Wondering how to feel valued and not be a burden?
Wondering what happened to your dreams?
to get unstuck, rediscover themselves, their purpose & desires and
to begin to feel alive, healthy, purpose-full, free
and confident in their own skin.
I connect you with your inner GPS*
so that you trust in who you are, what you do, how you decide and act,
and how you show up for yourself and your loved ones.
LIVE the life you were born to LOVE ❤️.
Choose what will help you choose.
*Your Inner GPS is your innate (meaning it's already inside you!), personal guiding system,
and it is the key to understanding that:
I know from experience the constant inner battle, the ongoing committee your own head.
It is exactly what is exhausting you.
Want to feel clear on your life purpose?
Tired of prioritizing your supporting role of other people's dreams?
Wondering how to feel valued and not be a burden?
Wondering what happened to your dreams?
to get unstuck, rediscover themselves, their purpose & desires and
to begin to feel alive, healthy, purpose-full, free
and confident in their own skin.
I connect you with your inner GPS*
so that you trust in who you are, what you do, how you decide and act,
and how you show up for yourself and your loved ones.
LIVE the life you were born to LOVE ❤️.
Choose what will help you choose.
*Your Inner GPS is your innate (meaning it's already inside you!), personal guiding system,
and it is the key to understanding that: