Response-ability. Response. Ability. What does responsibility mean to you? What does it mean to be responsible? Does it differ in different areas of your life? I keep pondering the belief --which I hold to be true-- that Freedom and Responsibility are two sides of the same coin. We all want "freedom" - to live it in our nation, to feel it in our own bodies, our own lives. The idea of freedom I will come back to. Today (and onward), I want to embody and embrace Responsibility.....whatever that means....... Let's break it down: My ability to respond is my responsibility. Respond to what? My life and the things that are important to me. Things that are True, that hold Integrity, and that does not harm Others. This sounds as it should be true enough for everyone: Your responsibility is to be able to respond to your life and the things--which are True, hold Integrity, and does not harm Others-- that are important to you. Does that resonate for you? What kinds of things are important to you and fit those guideposts of True, Integrity and Does No Harm? Here are 3 points of focus which can be looked at in the detail of your own life:
To live in balance with keen knowledge of MY needs, within MY means, at any given moment and to be able to respond. Technically, this IS self-care. Self-care, living in my truth, being an example of light and meaningful expression of Truth for my family and community and on......these are the things that are important to me that are True, hold Integrity, and does not harm Others. And my ability to respond to these things, within the protective boundaries of balancing my needs, within my means, at any given moment, is the Truth I need to embrace and embody somatically in every cell of my being. Yet still, this is all well & good but could get overwhelming where you feel you have not learned how to manage, digest, and metabolize these things. The "ability" part of it. How do you respond seemingly without the ability? Recognizing the perceived dis-ability is the first step. Think of those who are considered to have a "disability" as is commonly known in society today. Or a "handicap". Some people need help like handrails, wheelchairs or ramps or special technological advancements to assist in speaking or seeing or some other need. Some secure tutors or nurses or other sorts of caretakers. Whatever the situation, ALL are required to look for ways to see beyond their dis-ability and acknowledge where they just need to work a little harder, where they need help and where they can creatively do things differently to balance ability with dis-ability. What are your perceived dis-abilities and how will you see beyond it? Write it down. Assess it. Do the work. This is your RESPONSE-ABILITY. Each of us are responsible for our own response-ability. Together, as response-able individuals, is how we create our own Freedom and how we can promote freedom in our greater world. Digging deep within is where our Truth lies. And our Truth is worth finding-- it is where our salvation thrives, and freedom and responsibility exist on the same coin. #response-ability #dis-ability #freedom #truth #selfcare #responsibility
As an ally, I support me. As an advocate, I talk me up. As an activist, I am actively nourishing, profoundly understanding, and pounding the pavement for me. Lest I forget, at times the vehicle does seem to sputter or breakdown, I need only remember the hotline for my AAA servicing.... I AM MY OWN BEST ALLY, ADVOCATE, AND ACTIVIST. I AM MY OWN BEST ALLY, ADVOCATE, AND ACTIVIST. I AM MY OWN BEST ALLY, ADVOCATE, AND ACTIVIST. Believe in yourself. You are enough. |
AuthorI am the Essential Soul Mama. I am a mama, a soulful-spiritual teacher, an intentional storyteller, and a lover of stories of all kinds, in all forms. I write about emotions, parenting, natural health options, mind-body-soul connections, and anything that elevates our lives. Archives
December 2024