Friend, we share this Earth. We create and move about, alongside one another, merging in places, not even knowing of each other in many cases, running in parallel lines or lines that will cross somewhere down the road. Far far ahead of us. Or never. Yet..... we co-exist. And I love you. We are in this together.
In author and activist Valarie Kaur's book "See No Stranger" she invites us to see those we consider strangers-- particularly those who have ideological differences from us-- as a relative. As I sit in my car at a traffic light, sometimes I'll turn my head to the car next to me and wonder what it is like to live that person's life. That person. My "sister". My "uncle". My "cousin". The simple act of calling them in as someone familiar or known to me, however distant, and wondering about them.... it shifts your perspective to one of connection or a desire to be curious and inviting a level of understanding that there's something about them that is like you. Yes, they are human. They are fellow souls, here on the planet, experiencing a life. We are in this together. Open your heart and mind and invite curiosity. Connection makes us stronger and we ARE connected....if only we can make the space to stand back, pause, wonder, and see clearly. To listen. Even someone who seems to have no ideals or values in line with yours, or maybe seemingly no ideals or values AT ALL-- they went through something to get there. They're the lost "aunt" who suffered something and needs healing.....or maybe you're the one who needs the healing. Perspective. Be willing to imagine that everyone is doing the best they can with the tools they've been given-- not money or fame or supporters, but internal tools like knowing how to have a strong nervous system, intuition, self-love, etc. (See what it means to have true success, the tools you need inside). We balance each other out with what you have stronger than me and what I have stronger than you. We are in this together. Listen. Be curious. Be open, See no stranger. We are in this together.
AuthorI am the Essential Soul Mama. I am a mama, a soulful-spiritual teacher, an intentional storyteller, and a lover of stories of all kinds, in all forms. I write about emotions, parenting, natural health options, mind-body-soul connections, and anything that elevates our lives. Archives
December 2024